Oz Hotel Deals.com

Oz Hotel Deals.com monitors and reviews all special hotel deals on the web. We review sites hosted by reputable discounters and consolidators, wholesalers and hotel groups. We select hotel deals that reflect good value. We seek to provide a variety of choice in terms of property type and location. We endeavour to cover most parts of Australia, with the emphasis on major cities and key tourist destinations. We welcome your interest and feedback.


Free-spirited Australia - a continent offering endless holiday experiences. Explore the colours of the outback, the excitement of the cities and a range of natural wonders you won't find anywhere else. Australia will surprise and excite.

Australia's art and culture have a vitality that springs from youth and from the rich multicultural mix of its population. Whether you're looking for classical galleries, contemporary theatre, heritage buildings or Aboriginal artworks, you'll be fascinated, entertained and surprised by what's on offer.

With a coastline of 36,735 kilometres, bordering two oceans and four seas, Australia is one long beach. It’s a key focus for Australian life and a special drawcard for visitors who enjoy diving, snorkelling, swimming or simply exploring.

Most people harbour a particular image of Australia, such as the Opera House or blood-red Uluru (Ayers Rock). Yet these famous icons do scant justice to the richness of Australia's natural treasures and its cultural diversity. Australia offers a wealth of travel experiences, from the vastness and drama of the outback, to the spectacle of the Great Barrier Reef and its islands, the cosmopolitanism of Sydney and arguably some of the best beaches in the world. Visitors expecting to see an opera in Sydney one night and meet Crocodile Dundee the next will have to re-think their grasp of geography in this huge country. It is this sheer vastness, and the friction between the ancient land steeped in Aboriginal lore and the New World cultures being heaped upon it, which gives Australia much of its character.

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